Violence Against Women Migrant Workers

The overall objective of the course is to strengthen multi-sectoral coordinated quality services to respond to violence against women migrant workers.


SDG5: Gender equality
SDG16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Violence against women migrant workers
Ending violence against women
violence against women and girls
migrant workers

The overall objective of the course is to strengthen multi-sectoral coordinated quality services to respond to violence against women migrant workers. Specifically, the course aims to build an understanding of the intersectionality of violence against women migrant workers, focusing on the specific needs of women migrant workers, and the risks they face during their migration journey, and to understand key elements in providing essential services to them, based on good practices. The online training is targeting relevant government officials, CSOs, NGOs and women’s networks’ representatives, service providers, and other key stakeholders.


Module 1: Violence against women migrant workers;

Module 2: Provision of services on violence against women migrant workers

Target Audience

This course is aimed at a global audience including Government officials, violence against women coordination mechanisms, migration institutions, recruitment agencies and trade unions, CSOs, NGOs and women’s networks, and anyone who is interested in the topic. It is recommended to complete the training on the Essential Services Package for Women and Girls Subject to Violence prior to undertaking this training.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • enhance your understanding of the key concepts and normative frameworks related to violence agianst women migrant workers;
  • explain the risks of violence faced by women migrant workers at all stages of migration: in country of origin; in transit; at destination; and upon return/reintegration;
  • make the links between labour migration, violence against women, and trafficking in persons;
  • explain how multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination make women migrant workers more at risk of violence, abuse and exploitation;
  • illustrate the barriers and challenges faced by women migrant workers to safely and effectively access and benefit from the services provided to address violence against women during the migration journey.
